Justin from Revive

Editor's note: ASA member story:

Being healthy has always been something important to me, whether it be sports, physical activity, or documentaries such as the benefits of juice fasting, and alternative healing. It was in the early years of my marriage, that my interest in natural health became an important part of my life. 

My wife Crystal was diagnosed with cancer. This understandably drove me into a state of panic, so I started looking for ways to help 
her. This is where I delved deeper into alternative and natural medicine, collecting as much information as possible.  Time was limited, and unfortunately, Crystal sadly passed away. I was completely devasted. I couldn’t believe this had happened, as we tried so hard to find a remedy. Distraught as one can imagine, my mind continuously drove me into deep thoughts, trying to understand what had happened. I wanted to know why and how, and this drove me to search for answers. During this time, I distinctively remember Crystal’s Naturopath comforting me, knowing I was in complete confusion, and explaining to me, that one day I would work it all out, and this was where my journey began.  

I realized, that when we make decisions based on fear and the lack of understanding, wrong choices can be made, which is why I 
believe knowledge is very important. I started revising everything I’d learned during Crystal’s journey and searched for more information, learning the intricacies of the human body, such as the glands and organs. It was then, that I understood why and how I lost Crystal. I turned Crystal’s passing from a negative experience to a positive, and understanding that Crystal’s journey, not only guided me to find the answers I was seeking but allowed me to learn the truth about health. Spirituality became an important part of my life, grounding me and keeping me aligned, allowing me to access my higher self, knowing Crystal’s journey was divine timing, opening the door and revealing my soul purpose. 

Learning from this experience, allowed me to be able to help others, which is why I made an oath to myself. This oath was to open a clinic, not only to help, but educate humanity, so that they could make an informative decision about their health, with confidence, rather than a decision based on misinformation and fear. 

The clinic today is known as REVIVE Bring Life Back to Life. The message behind the name is to remind us that we have life, but we need that extra essence, to bring it back to life. That extra essence, I believe, is with the use of nature’s botanicals. It is nature’s purest form of medicine.  REVIVE Bring Life Back to Life, is a completely different concept to most holistic and alternative practices, although the use of botanicals is very common in many industries, my focus is on the lymphatic system, rather than the vascular system and the use of botanicals, rather than supplementation. 

Take a house for example; Picture the water supply of the home, being the blood supply (the food source), and the sewer system, being the lymphatic system (waste source). The sewer system is more toxic than the water supply. With that analogy, we now understand that the lymphatic system is the body’s sewer system, where toxins reside. When the lymphatic system becomes stagnant, toxins 
accumulate, and the body starts to weaken.  

Using botanicals over supplementation is an integral part of that healing process. The use of supplements only provides short term relief to the symptom and does not target the root cause. If someone has a hormonal imbalance, for example, a health practitioner will prescribe a supplement. Hormonal levels increase, but when the supplement is removed, hormone imbalances occur again. 
With the use of nature’s medicine, we can effectively target specified organs and glands associated with hormone production, to clean and strengthen cells and effectively flush toxic waste from the lymphatic system, enhancing the body's production of hormones, as nature intended. Without adequate removal of toxins, the body reduces its ability to regenerate. 

Take a pot plant for example. To keep a plant healthy, you must keep the soil well-aerated and avoid over-fertilization. What happens when over-fertilization occurs, is the soil becomes toxic, causing the plant to yellow and wilt. Instead of throwing out the plant and purchasing a new one, we can flush the soil every day to remove the toxic overload of fertilizer in the soil. Once sufficient flushing of the soil has been maintained, the plant is now able to regenerate itself. This same principle applies to the human body. When the body holds on to toxins, it inhibits cell and tissue regeneration. This is why it is imperative to excrete toxins. 

This principle is reflective of fundamental laws of nature, which are the foundations of creation. Remembering these laws is key to 
achieving successful results. It is also important to remember nature moves slowly and so does healing. Using these fundamental laws as a compass, enables one to navigate through life wholistically. With my path laid out before me, I am now able to pass my knowledge, and wisdom and assist anybody seeking help, to regenerate their body from dis-ease, bringing their life, back to life! 

My name is Justin Moretton, and this is my story.

Detoxification Specialist 
Lymphatic Iridologist 